Haxe, the Ultimate Transpiler

Haxe is an awesome language that can cross-compile to many other languages, such as Javascript, C++, C#, Python, Java, Lua, PHP, ActionScript 3, Flash (byte code), and Neko (byte code). For Flash and Neko, Haxe can compile to byte codes, whereas for the other targets, Haxe acts as a source-to-source translator/compiler (transpiler).

If you’ve heard of TypeScript, then Haxe is pretty similar. It is statically typed, and it also supports type inference. TypeScript is also a transpiler, but it only compiles to Javascript. With Haxe, you have the option of transpiling to many other languages. The Haxe compiler is capable of doing a number of optimizations, such as constant folding, function inlining, and dead-code elimination. More Haxe language features after the jump.

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Hello World

Obligatory hello world first post. This site is where I’ll blog about mostly programming, tutorials, and sometimes other stuff. This site is built using Jekyll, and is hosted on GitHub Pages. Syntax highlighting using Prism, and math formatting using KaTeX. Stylesheets written in Scss. Comments powered by Disqus.

I designed this theme using Bootstrap as the base. Like it? It’s open source. Fork it, customize it, and use it. But do remember to change the identifying keys for Disqus and Google Analytics, which is all in the _config.yml file. Spot anything wrong with the theme? Create a new issue and report the bug.

Formatting previews after the jump.

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