Haxe, the Ultimate Transpiler
Haxe is an awesome language that can cross-compile to many other languages, such as Javascript, C++, C#, Python, Java, Lua, PHP, ActionScript 3, Flash (byte code), and Neko (byte code). For Flash and Neko, Haxe can compile to byte codes, whereas for the other targets, Haxe acts as a source-to-source translator/compiler (transpiler).
If you’ve heard of TypeScript, then Haxe is pretty similar. It is statically typed, and it also supports type inference. TypeScript is also a transpiler, but it only compiles to Javascript. With Haxe, you have the option of transpiling to many other languages. The Haxe compiler is capable of doing a number of optimizations, such as constant folding, function inlining, and dead-code elimination. More Haxe language features after the jump.